"Shooters" Photography Exhibition Opens and Draws Over 300 People

Text & Snapshots Julian Lucas

“Photography does not sell!” Well, that is an old myth that has lived within this region for far too long. And last weekend the exhibition titled “Shooters” headed by the young Marlon Del Rio known by his Instagram name @the.dirtbag killed that old-tired ass myth.

The exhibition held at the Enterprise Building in San Bernardino consisted of San Bernardino photographers, including photographers from the Pacific Northwest and the east coast. The photographic works on display featured an array of subject matter. From west coast car culture, portraits of beautiful people, images of the mundane, and my favorite subject protest images from the Northwest. “Shooters” drew a crowd of at least 300 or more photography enthusiasts, family, and friends.

Julian Lucas, is fine art photographer, photojournalist, and creative strategist. Julian also works as a housing specialist which, includes linking homeless veterans to housing. Julian has lived in Chicago, Inglewood, Portland, and the suburbs of Los Angeles County including Pomona.