The Pomonan has Created Space
for Voices that Fall on Deaf Ears

FREE to submit


Submissions will be published on a rolling basis. This means we will publish as submissions are received.

Most of us have submitted a public comment to city council requesting what we expect of council members or requesting their support of whatever it is you feel we want or need support with. We only have 3 minutes to do so. Although our public comment is public record, or at least suppose to be public record, many times it may or will fall on deaf ears.

The Pomonan is excited to announce we have created a space to have your public comment published. We feel every voice is highly important and city leaders should listen. This will give elected officials and others an opportunity to actually read your public comment.

This Open Call is Open to Everyone.

Submission Guidelines

300-500 words

Your full name should appear in the file name.

In the subject of your e-mail, type the name of the the topic
Make sure to add your full name and a short bio.


Please also provide a link to your Instagram
If there is not link to website no problem you just won’t be tagged in our post or stories.

Submit Via Email